.. _guide-working-with-transactions: Working with Transactions ========================= When the customer completed their payment, you received a callback which contained a transaction ID. From this, you can load an :py:class:`altapay.Transaction` object, which will be used to perform further backoffice functions, such as capture money on a reservation. The transaction itself is thought of as a separate resource from the :py:class`altapay.Payment`, and can be found using the :py:func:`altapay.Transaction.find` call: .. code :: python from altapay import Transaction transaction = Transaction.find('TransactionID', api=api) On the :py:class:`altapay.Transaction` object, you will find all of the information described in the AltaPay API, listed under the :samp:`API/payments` call. The usual rules for naming applies. .. _guide-working-with-transactions-capturing-transaction: Capturing a Transaction +++++++++++++++++++++++ Once you have an instance of :py:class:`altapay.Transaction`, it is possible to perform actions on this instance. One of the most common one, is that of capturing it. In the simplest form, it is possible to capture the full amount on the transaction: .. code :: python from altapay import Transaction transaction = Transaction.find('TransactionID', api=api) callback = transaction.capture() if callback.result == 'Success': # Capture was successful pass else: raise Exception('Not able to capture') The response is an :py:class:`altapay.Callback` object and will contain the full response returned by AltaPay. Of course, this is often not the desired behaviour. You can provide further information to :py:func:`altapay.Transaction.capture` as described in the AltaPay API of :samp:`API/captureReservation`. For example, you can capture a partial amount in the following way, which also shows how to supply an order line. .. code :: python from altapay import Transaction transaction = Transaction.find('TransactionID', api=api) respnse = transaction.capture( orderLines=[{ 'description': 'Blue Shirt', 'itemId': '12345', 'quantity': 1.0, 'unitPrice': 19.95 }], amount=19.95) .. _guide-working-with-transactions-charge-subscription: Charging a Subscription +++++++++++++++++++++++ Given a :py:class:`altapay.Transaction` which is a subscription, it is possible to make a charge (effectively issuing a capture directly on the subscription): .. code :: python from altapay import Transaction transaction = Transaction.find('TransactionID', api=api) callback = transaction.charge_subscription(amount=49.00) Charging a subscription will return a Callback object that has a list of transactions; one representing the original :py:class:`altapay.Transaction` you charged on, and a new one for the actual capture. As always, see the AltaPay documentation for a list of possible arguments. .. _guide-working-with-transactions-reserve-subscription: Reserving a Subscription ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Reserving a transaction works much like :ref:`guide-working-with-transactions-charge-subscription`. The only difference is of course in the name: the amount will create a reservation instead of directly charging the amount straight away. .. code :: python from altapay import Transaction transaction = Transaction.find('TransactionID', api=api) callback = transaction.reserve_subscription_charge(amount=49.00) Reserving an amount on a will return a Callback object that has a list of transactions; one representing the original :py:class:`altapay.Transaction` you reserved on, and a new one for the actual reservation. As always, see the AltaPay documentation for a list of possible arguments. .. _guide-working-with-transactions-releasing-reservation: Releasing a Reservation +++++++++++++++++++++++ In some cases you may choose to not capture your reservation. If so, it's better to release the reservation you have. This is also a good practice in cases where you have a subscription setup on a transaction ID, but you do not have any need for it anymore (for example if your customer cancels their subscription). Note that there are certain edge cases for calling this method, see the AltaPay documentation for ``API/releaseReservation`` for full details. .. code :: python from altapay import Transaction transaction = Transaction.find('TransactionID', api=api) callback = transaction.release() if callback.result != 'Success': raise Exception('Could not release the reservation') .. _guide-working-with-transactions-creating-invoice-reservation: Creating an Invoice Reservation +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In some cases, you might want to create an invoice reservation without first creating a Payment object. This could be if you do not want to redirect your customer to the payment provider for validation. In the example of Klarna payments, if you provide the customer's personal identification number together with the normal payment parameters, you can complete the transaction without further confirmation. **Note that this might require approval by the invoice company you are using** As always, see the full list of possible arguments in the AltaPay documentation. .. code :: python from altapay import Callback parameters = { 'terminal': 'AltaPay Test Terminal', 'shop_orderid': 'asdf23', 'amount': 20.0, 'currency': 'EUR', 'customer_info': { 'billing_postal': '1234', 'billing_address': 'Test Street', 'email': 'foo@bar.com' }, 'personalIdentifyNumber': '123456-1234' } transaction = Callback.create_invoice_reservation(api=api, **parameters) Refunding Transactions ++++++++++++++++++++++ When a transaction has been captured you might want to refund it again, fully or partial. This could be if the customer wants to return the order. The process is very similar to capturing a transaction. See the AltaPay documentation for ``API/refundCapturedReservation`` for full details. .. code :: python from altapay import Transaction transaction = Transaction.find('TransactionID', api=api) callback = transaction.refund() if callback.result != 'Success': raise Exception('Not able to refund') Partial refunds can be performed in the following way, which also shows how to supply an order line. Notice that not providing an ``amount`` will result in a full return of the transaction. .. code :: python from altapay import Transaction transaction = Transaction.find('TransactionID', api=api) respnse = transaction.capture( orderLines=[{ 'description': 'Blue Shirt', 'itemId': '12345', 'quantity': 1.0, 'unitPrice': 19.95 }], amount=19.95)